
News & Events

Submission for the International Policy Review

by Kerryn Clarke · 11 Feb, 2020

The Australian Government announced in December 2019 a review of their international development policy and opened public consultations to inform the development of it. This is the first time in a decade this policy has been reviewed. As part of the consultations, DFAT invited written submissions from the development sector, partners and the general public by 14th February.

ADDC welcomes the opportunity to provide input, drawn from the experience and expertise of our membership, to the formation of the new international development policy. 

Our submission provides both principled and practical guidance to aid the Government in maintaining their globally-recognised leadership in disability-inclusive development; ensure the integration of inclusive approaches across development assistance, humanitarian and human rights policy; suggest action and accountability measures; and outline necessary resourcing for the effective and impactful delivery of the new international development policy.

Download the ADDC submission to the review of the Australian Government’s international development policy: