Australian Disability + Development Consortium

ADDC is an Australian network focused on advancing disability equity in the majority world.  

We bring people together to inspire, influence and support all international development actors to embrace and advance disability equity in all practises.  

Take action with us

Meet our new Executive Committee

In July 2024, ADDC members elected a new Committee. Find out about the members that make up the committee. 

Help us build a Safer World For All

Add your support for a more robust Australian aid budget, and together, help build a safer world for all.

Become a member

Join us in promoting the rights and equity of all people with disabilities in international development initiatives. 

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A group of people with disabilities from Vanuatu stand together, smiling. Nelly Caleb stands in the foreground.A group of people with disabilities from Vanuatu stand together, smiling. Nelly Caleb stands in the foreground.

CBM Thanks you

How we advocate for change

Our recommendations to the Australian Government

Key messages on how Australia can solidify its global leadership in disability equity.  

Submission to Australian Government’s forthcoming International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy

We recommend a framework explaining how DFAT can think and act to advance the realisation of disability equity and rights throughout our region and globally.


Joint Call for Action

Leaders from across the Australian international development and disability sectors have rallied behind the Joint Call for Action on Disability Equity.


Planning for equity: Making consultation processes inclusive of diverse people with disabilities

This paper provides a summary of what good practice disability-inclusive consultation looks like, where the outcome is to create greater equity for all people with disabilities.

Disability equity

Disability equity is an essential part of creating more just and inclusive societies where all people can thrive. It extends far beyond inclusion. Learn more about how disability equity can be progressed throughout international development work.

Submission to the Australian Government’s new international development policy

This submission provides both principled and practical guidance to support the Australian Government in their commitment to prioritise people with disabilities in international development efforts.

2024 Federal Budget: Small steps to deliver significant, sustainable change

ADDC and CBM Australia acknowledge the Federal Government’s announcement of an increase to the central disability allocation within Australia’s Official Development Assistance from $12.9m to $14m in the 2024 Federal Budget.

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