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ADDC welcomes election of Australian Rosemary Kayess to UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

by ADDC · 13 Jun, 2018

ADDC was elated with the news that Rosemary Kayess, an Australian woman with a disability, has been elected to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The election took place at the annual Conference of State Parties held in New York in June 2018, and is a proud moment for Australia, the disability sector and particularly women with disabilities.

The barriers faced by women with disabilities are unique and compounded, and Rosemary Kayess’s election signals recognition of this and the importance of seeking input and expertise of people with lived experiences.  Rosemary brings a wealth of expertise to this role, and we are excited to continue working with her in this new capacity to promote the rights of people with disabilities in developing countries.