
Disability Inclusion

Links to information on disability-inclusive development, resources and facts and figures on disability below and in the side menu.

ADDC is an Australia-based consortium of organisations working in international development with a commitment to ensuring all our work includes people with disabilities. The primary approach we advocate for is disability-inclusive development. 

Disability-inclusive development, or DID, is the practice of including a disability dimension in all stages of aid delivered through international development, from policy through to programming. It is founded on the central tenant of the global disability movement, ‘Nothing about us without us’, ensuring people with disabilities are meaningful participants of all development programs and policies.

Read more about disability-inclusive development.

Disability and poverty are closely related. Disability can lead to poverty and poverty can lead to disability. This is a cycle that must end.

Read more about the cycle of poverty and disability.

Definition of disability and current figures from the World Disability Report.

Read more facts and figures about disability.

Including people with disability in monitoring and evaluation processes is key to understanding the change the program has created.

Read more about disability inclusion and monitoring and evaluation.

A representative from a disabled people’s organisation in Zimbabwe (left) facilitating a semi-structured interview with a community member and her son, as part of an end-of-program evaluation.

The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within it, is a comprehensive, progressive and innovative agenda that responds to the many challenges faced by the world today. The SDGs consist of 17 goals with 169 targets identified to achieve them.

Improving on the Millennium Development Goals that did not specifically include people with disabilities, five of the SGDs identify people with disabilities as key agents.

Click for more.

People with disabilities experience discrimination and barriers to their participation in society every day. A disproportionate number of people with disabilities live in developing countries and a disproportionate number live in extreme poverty in those countries. The United National Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD) cemented the approach to disability founded on human rights for all.

For more, click here.